I am not a hard core member of the blogeratti. As such, I don’t really know the rules of the blogosphere. And since I am paying for my own blog with my own time and dollars, I don’t really care about those rules.
One of the rules I have wondered about is whether or not it is kosher for a technology venture capitalist to blog about politics. After thinking about it, I have decided that, for me at least, it is kosher. Anyone who knows me well knows that one of the most important elements of my life since August 2008 has been my involvement in John McCain’s 2008 Campaign. So, I will hide this from my modest roster of blog readers no longer.
I love Senator John McCain. I mean I really love the man. I don’t love many men. In addition to family members, I love Teddy Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and George Patton. And, I love John McCain and Joe Lieberman.
I happen to agree with 90% of McCain’s policies and 10% of Lieberman’s policies. But that is beside the point. I love McCain and Lieberman for the strength of their convictions and the purity of their patriotism.
I have met John McCain three times, all in the last five months as I have become a donor, fundraiser and volunteer of his. Our first meeting was the one that sold me for life. We had a pleasant chat for a minute or so. Then he turned to the next person in line to speak with him, a young man he knew well, perhaps a former staffer. When Senator McCain raised his arms to embrace the young man, it was clear that he was barely able to raise his hands above his waist. Senator McCain is so crippled from the torture he willingly endured in service of his country that he has been without the use of his limbs for more than three decades.
And that, among other reasons, is why I am supporting him to be the next President of the United States, and why he has surged from a poor position to a contending position to win the Republican nomination for President. Wish us luck in New Hampshire and please feel free to read more from the man himself at www.johnmccain.com. Also, please feel free to donate at: http://curran.johnmccain.com.
If you feel I have offended the rules of the blogosphere by blogging about politics, please feel free to contact me directly. Thank you for listening.
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